Posts tagged Sign Languages in Ontario
Sign Languages Act, Convo 1

Sign Languages Act committee shares insights of recent political Ontario grade results towards campaign.
Click on blog to watch video & read transcript if needed.
Le comité de la Loi sur les langues des signes partage ses réflexions sur les récents résultats politiques de l'Ontario en vue de la campagne. Cliquez sur le blog pour regarder la vidéo et lire la transcription si nécessaire.

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Sign Languages Act Campaign in Ontario 2

Hello everyone, I am Leah Riddell, sign language director of OCSD and Chair of the Sign Language Act committee. OCSD, OAD and members involved in the committee worked on developing resources for you to use. Gary's video explained that recently. My mission is to show you step by steps. It's important YOU get involved to make a difference in our communities. One small task, BIG positive change moving forward.

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Sign Languages Act Campaign in Ontario 1

Tri-O, Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf (OCSD), Ontario Association of the Deaf (OAD) and Ontario Deaf Sports Association (ODSA) had their AGM meeting March 26, 2022. OCSD and OAD worked together and sent letters to four political leaders in Ontario to educate them to support our sign languages to be official in Ontario. We are requesting our sign languages to be official for a few reasons.

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International Week of Deaf People 2021

Guess what? OCSD and the Sign Languages Act committee working together to showcase "Did you know" theme posts each day of the week that spread the @WFD work to establish an International Day of Sign Languages, starting tomorrow. We aim to introduce and pass a government bill to formalize Ontario's sign languages. Let’s learn the history and facts to get where we are going for Ontario!

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